Request to Parent/Guardians

  1. Kindly drop and pick up your ward at the entrance gate before 10 minutes of school arrival. The school will be responsible only 10 minutes after the school time gets over.
  2. The entries in the diary should be read and signed by the parents/ guardians.
  3. The parents must ensure that the pupils carries the diary to school everyday.
  4. Parents must ensure that pupils should be sent neatly dressed to school with clean uniform, polished shoes, clean socks and their hair trimmed or tied neatly.
  5. No gold ornaments shall be worn by any pupil during school hours.
  6. Parents should ensure that children do not carry money, mobile, or smart watches with them when they come to school .
  7. Parents must keep the school informed about any aliment of the child.
  8. Tests and exams are compulsory. If tests/ exams are missed due to illness, it must be reported to the Principle immediately with a medical certificate.
  9. Parents are expected to co-operate with the school authorities by enforcing discipline and regularly at home. In order that lessons may be duly prepared pupil should devote sufficient time to self study. If parents insist on regular attendance and home study, the results are to be satisfying to them.
  10. All the parents should compulsory attend PTM and keep themselves informed about the progress of their child. Thus, with the co-operation and assistance of parents and guardians the school authorities will strive to mould the child into a good citizen of India.