GURU NANAK PUBLIC SCHOOL, Cuttack proudly secured 2nd position in city ranking and 10th in state by Bharat Institutions under the category of G20 mission schools.
Our respected principal Mrs.Sanchita Mohanty received the honour on behalf of our school on 13th January, 2024 at New Delhi.
GNPS family feels proud and delighted for this victory.

The historical perspective
Guru Nanak Public School, a minority institution under Gurdwara Guru Nanak Datan Sahib was established on 07th July 1989. It is being managed by Gurdwara Prabandhak Committee, Gurdwara Gurunanak Datan Sahib, Kaliaboda, Cuttack . The school is an ISO 9001 – 2015 certified educational institution.
Mrs. Sanchita Mohanty is the principal of Guru Nanak Public School, Cuttack, Odisha. She has been an integral part of the institution throughout its development into an affiliated school (up to XII ) as the Priciple since the year 2010. A renowned personality of Cuttack city, Mrs. Sanchita Mohanty had received prestigious awards like ideal Principal award in 2018, & 2019 by All India Citizens Devlopement Centre, Best Principal Award by Rotary Club of Cuttack Central and has also been felicitated by Lions Quest and Science Olympaid Foundation(SOF), India.
Born on 27th June 1964, She has completed her masters in History and before handling the responsibilities of a Principal, she was performing her duty as a professional teacher in the same school.
Presently, Mrs. Sanchita Mohanty performs the function as a joint secretary of Sahodaya Eastern Odisha Complex and had recently attended the annual Sahodaya Conference, CBSE held in Mumbai on 8thand 9th December of 2023.
Motto of the School
The aim and objective of the school is to impart such education to the Children as while it helps to imbibe in them a sense of deep patriotism and civilization, instills in them a disciplined outlook, deeply dedicated to the pursuit of knowledge. Our motto is to prepare a team of ideal students who can become ideal citizens of the nation in future. Our endeavor is not only to train a student for himself or herself but for the nation as we believe in – Essence of wisdom is service to humanity. Our esteemed parents co-operation should remain with us so that our students march up to such an extent which cannot be measured by any yardstick. Thus we aim at creating environment truly conducive to the development of the child mentally, physically, emotionally and even spiritually.